FH: In cricket I support the green and gold (much to my hubby's delight - he would rather if our son is ever good enough he wear a baggy green than some revolting shade of brown). Have supported the Aussie team since I was about 10 (many many years ago) before I even move across the ditch to Sydney.

However when it comes to Union - Rugby Union for those unfamiliar with the sport that, in New Zealand, has more followers than the catholic church - my blood will always run black. I'm a devout All Blacks supporter.
Rugby Union is similar in some way to American football only no ad breaks, not very much padding, no helmets, the ball can only be passed backwards and you score a try, not a touchdown.

Wait till you find out how Aussie Rules is played - woooh boy! Is it a sport to watch!

I guess one thing about Australia (and New Zealand) those of you unfamiliar with our humble down under nations might be starting to realise from FH's fic is that some sports are regarded as akin to a religion. In Victoria and South Australia, it is Aussie Rules - the sport FH will be focusing on in this fic.
You'll also find a lot of down under women enjoy their sports teams just as much as the male-folk (but with far less hooliganism... MOST of the time). wink

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box