Me, I like alternate beginnings. A lot. So I'm already enjoying this. And I'm learning a bunch of Aussie slang, most of which I'd never heard before.

I remember the Daphne Moon character in Frasier saying in great frustration, "No matter how often I hear them called truck, elevator, or crossing guard, to me they'll always be lorry, lift, and lollipop man!" Our language centers are strongly tied to our visual memories, so Clark should pick up the lingo in short order, if not the accent. And I'm certain Flinders will be impressed by the speed at which he acclimates himself.

It was nice to see Lois go easy on the new kid on the block. She not only helped him out with the rounds at the pub, she thanked him (well, almost!) for his help at the station. I'm certain the Shelia could have taken care of the situation, but now Clark will get a local rep as a defender of women and a dude who can throw down if need be. And he might get some dates out of that, too.

I can't wait to see Clark tell them that he's a Kansas City Chiefs fan. That will go over like a burp in a gas mask.

A good friend of mine visited Australia a few years ago, and he told me that one of the best parts of the trip was the people Down Under. They were uniformly open, friendly, and glad to see him. No one made any cutting remarks about Americans in his hearing, and he said he wished he was young enough to emigrate, he liked the place so much. It's one of the places in the world I'd love to visit myself, should the opportunity ever present itself.

Keep this one coming, Corrina! I like it a lot!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing