
Well you guys were certainly chatty while I was out and about today wink . Took DS to get his second flu shot today and he was OVER TWENTY POUNDS!!!! WOOHOO!! 20lb 4oz. Of course, we cried because it was our last visit with this doc as our insurance changed providers yesterday [so today's visit was technically as out of network...]. All three nurses working came in to say buy and the nurse practitioner poked her head in for a few minutes [even though we weren't supposed to see her]. They have that pic of DS in his high chair at his bday party and his sisters' bday party 11 weeks later [from the DS Updated thread in OT] posted on their light board where everyone can see it because they are SO proud of him.

Of course, Best Buy called and left a message with the two hour window tomorrow and I'm going to be gone for half an hour of it - here's hoping the new TV gets here earlier rather than later... And now I get to move everything so it's all ready for them when they get here tomorrow. And do laundry. And you know what? Because you guys left such great fdk today - I'll even post *everything* I've written today at the end of this post - and yes, I have written something.

Grinch - so sorry about the work productivity. I forget when, but they do discuss what Clark was thinking about the other night at some point. And then I realized you meant at the cabin wink . No paternity test. TBDiscussed in a future part. As for the 24 hour pill, Lois has mentioned her reasons for avoiding abortions [which is how she'd probably see this - given the superswimmers and all]. And LOL! Love the UP plot line!

LoveSuper - hehe!

Lieta [and others] - I love that you love the inner teenager. He's still only 20!

Michael - LOL! The evening thing? No, not Wed yet...

Lieta - interesting Lana as the harbinger of doom. Hadn't thought about that. She will be appearing at least once soon... As for Mindy - I'm not *entirely* certain where she is right now, but I'm guessing she might be 'rediscovering her faith'. She'll be back eventually.

Amberlea - I think *maturing* is the way to put it. Glad you're reading!

Sarah - /whistles/...

Sheila - LOL! Love the implication - I'll be completely honest and say I planned it that way. Yup. Uh huh.

Terry - hehe! I will promise this - Lana will be alive and well at the end of the fic. Unless she happens to be in Canada in the way of that meteor from last week but I'm not planning on that. At one point in plotting, we discussed Lana getting married as the catalyst for what just happened, but that didn't seem right - and again, there's no real choice for Clark to make if Lana is unavailable for some reason - no deliberate choice involved - and I didn't like that.

Andreia - wink I know - Clark is thinking. Watch out and get your fire extinguisher - or at least your superbreath. And /giggle/ I thought the flying thing was funny too. I should have tossed the you'll never know what he's like in bed thing in, but alas, I didn't, and for other reasons, I can't add it back in.

Natascha - Well, this time was four times. *If* she is pregnant, it only took one of those...

Michael - LOL!

Sonia - Love the game comparisons! Hmm... I don't remember what I said about Christopher as a sibling. Whether she's pregnant now or not, I'd imagine that I said something like 'anytime soon' or something like that - leaving myself open to interpretation - because that's something I would do.

Ann - Clark will learn more about his Kryptonian heritage at some point. He has the globe and the ship after all. There's been multiple fics [mine included] that have more than just the 5 messages on it. Yeah - it didn't take long for that resolve to disappear did it?

Sara - Yes, she was kind of harsh and she realizes that and will bring it up later [or I think she does - will have to make sure she did when I meant for her to]. I agree with those who posted after you in that Clark is a little different than your average adoptee. It doesn't *matter* but it does matter. If that makes any sense at all. I don't think she means Lana would keep him from the kids - I think [and she thinks] Lana's too smart for that - me or the kids Clark and she comes in a distant second and she knows that. That doesn't mean she will *want* to be a step mom to them and won't say things about his 'real family' out of his hearing and stuff like that.

Grinch - ditto.

Lara - hehe - glad I could help with the fdk.

Lara and Michael - There are no miscarriages planned for anyone at this point.

So, now, are you ready for the preview I promised of everything I've written today?

Here tis:


I looked out the window.
Yep. That's it. And yes 104, which is next Wed. post and if I don't really get on the ball I may have to lower the posting schedule back to EOD. I completely forgot I had a big assignment due today and now I have to grade them... /sigh/ But now I need to go work on laundry, getting ready for the new TV [46" Sharp BTW], get kids taken care of and maybe to bed very early [and watch NCIS of course wink ].

Thanks guys!