Holy cow.

I think the way that Clark is handling the latest events shows that he is maturing and beginning to view this whole situation differently. (Notice I didn't say that he has matured.) Of course, that means you're going to throw Lana into the mix again, but at least it's Lois who meets up with her this time.

I have to admit, the angst was getting to me there for a while, before their first anniversary when they weren't talking and again when they weren't talking after Pop Pop. But I think that just means you've done an excellent job of putting the reader in the shoes of the characters!

It feels like the story has hit a tipping point, at least in terms of their relationship, and is like a snowball heading downhill and gaining momentum (good or bad). This is a good thing because maybe there won't be any more standoffs, which are the worst in my opinion.

By the way, I love that you are posting daily. Thanks!
