Something I thought of as I walked out of class...

Clark Jerome Davis Kent has had more upheaval in his life that Clark Jerome Kent did... The circumstances of Martha's first marriage and then her meeting Jonathan and marrying him... and the Kent/Clark/Davis clan... Clark must have felt different *before* he ever started developing his powers... so his drive to be "normal" would be even greater than canon Clark...

I also think Lois jumped to quickly when Clark made a hash of trying to explain why having a biological connection to someone else was important to him... but then she expects him to disappoint her by now... with just cause...

I also think the time away from Lana helped Clark a lot... he hadn't seen her for almost a year... then she starts showing up whenever something went wrong... she bumped in to Clark when they got the big threat... she was at Pop Pop's funeral when the press leak happened... the timing is interesting even if Lana is just the messenger of doom... and I wonder what ever happened to Mindy...

I can't wait to see if Clark can dig himself out of the hole he dug to China... and maybe bring Lois back some peace offering take-out while he's at it...

Sara "Lieta"