This was... [Linked Image] They made love. Again. And again. And again. [Linked Image]

Visions of the night at the cabin were coming back to haunt me. That vivid dream of making love to Lana was all I had of her. I hadn't let myself think about it much since I married Lois because it felt like cheating on her to think about another woman that way.

It had come flooding back to me as I held Lois after she fell asleep.

But this time, Lana was nowhere to be seen. It was Lois with me on the floor, under the blankets, in front of the fireplace.

Making love.
"But it was weird. The longer it's been, the more it's you there with me. Even the next day, it was me and someone who kept morphing between you and Lana, but the longer we've been married, the more you're there and she's not."
I think for a long time he fantasied it was Lana because he didn't want to face the facts, but slowly the fantasy is fading and what remains is the reality.

It had been... amazing. Incredible.


It had been perfect. Better than perfect.
So why doesn't he stop being so stubborn and admits there's more than attraction between them? goofy

For all I know, your little guys are faster and a fertilized egg would already be *flying* down the fallopian tube.
laugh laugh rotflol

He stood and started pacing. "And I don't know if I'm going crazy or what. He *looks* like me. He has the same mole on his lip that I do. I get comments *all* the *time* about how much he looks like me." He looked distraught. "Is it *possible* that he's my son?"
For somebody super fast he was terribly slow to come to this conclusion but, hey, better late than never. wink

"It's not like it's going to happen again, is it? But she'll never believe that."

His next question surprised me. "Why wouldn't it happen again?"
If - and that is a big IF - Lois isn't pregnant by now, they should decide about what protection they are going to use. It looks like they won't be able to keep their hands off of each other. laugh

The need to be together – to be the 'one flesh' mentioned at weddings – consumed me and Lois both.
Yeah, they're goners. blush

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager – the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember – snapped back.
Tell the inner teenager to shut up. He knows nothing about life. [Linked Image]

I ran a hand through my hair and wasn't watching where I was going as I rounded the corner. I screeched to a halt to avoid someone heading the other direction. "I'm sor..."

Well... if she dares to repeat the there-is-no-way-you-will-ever-know-what-Clark-is-like-in-bed line, she is in for a big surprise. devil

"Pancakes?" I asked. Usually only I made that kind of breakfast.

Lois shrugged. "I was hungry and they were frozen."
Uh-oh. Guess the only question is... is Christopher going to have a brother or a sister? [Linked Image]

/me looks at the calendar and wills it to be Wednesday...


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15