Even though Lois is in her tailspin... Clark was waking up!

Originally posted by carolm:
<But why should it matter?> one part of me asked. <She's your *wife*. You're *supposed* to make love to her – even if it is fast and furious sometimes. What do you think Mom and Dad have been hounding you about for two years now?>

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager – the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember – snapped back. <Do you really think she'll be able to accept this?>

I stifled a scream.

Why was this so hard? Why was it *my* life that ended up like this?

I *wanted* to be married to the woman I loved. To make love to her regularly – something I had discovered over the last twenty-four hours could be pretty amazing. To be free from evil dictators. To know my son was *my* son.

To have a *normal* life.

Or as normal as alien living as a human being could have.

I stifled another scream and was out the door to the veranda in a flash, taking off for parts unknown.
I think that is huge on several levels...
1) Clark refers to his *teenage* self clinging to Lana... that there is any distinction at all is big
2) His focus on normalcy drives home a huge point. Clark's relationship with Lana was normal... his relationship with Lois has been anything but... and it wasn't even his origins that caused the abnormalities. We all know how much Clark Kent *wants* to be normal... I think this may be a huge part of his clinging to Lana...

And hmmmm hungry Lois... and Clark obviously picking up on it...

Sara "Lieta"