You do realize that story is diminishing my productivity at work right? laugh

Grinch - /whistles/ Complicated? I've struggled with PPD myself and I know what things set it off too. As for the 'permission' thing... that will be discussed later. Toys back together? You do mean Clark and Lana back together right?
At this point, I don't care who gets together, but this angst has got to stop. I only have one heart, and it may be suffering from heart failure in the very near future. dizzy Nah, scratch that. Lois and Clark do have to live happily ever after. So Lana has got to die somehow.

In this chapter, I'm glad that Lois and Clark talked about what happened. I know it didn't go well, but it shows that these two have matured. Clark could have avoided Lois, but he didn't, which I think is a good sign.

Can you imagine on the day your son was conceived, his father actually believed that he was sleeping with someone else? At the thought, Lois was nearly bursting in the tears. I can't imagine how she can look at Clark/Chris and not think that.

I think the biological connection to Chris is important to Clark. I think he would be a father regardless, but having that connection would help him come to terms with his uniqueness. Clark's always going to question whether Chris is really his, so a paternity test may help with closure.

Oh, couldn't Lois take a 24-hour pill to take away the pregnancy scare? Lois is hungry in the previews...this can't be good.

I think I've got it all figured out. UP is going to be about Chris' sessions with Dr. Friskin. In these sessions, he'll explain his confusing childhood and how his Mum and Dad emotionally scarred him for life. Am I close?