Amazing, Carol. What a story this is!

As you can imagine, I was particularly happy to see Clark come to a few conclusions:

I didn't love her like that – not usually – but in that moment – in those moments – there was no one else in my world.
Wonder why? wink

Visions of the night at the cabin were coming back to haunt me. That vivid dream of making love to Lana was all I had of her. I hadn't let myself think about it much since I married Lois because it felt like cheating on her to think about another woman that way.

It had come flooding back to me as I held Lois after she fell asleep.

But this time, Lana was nowhere to be seen. It was Lois with me on the floor, under the blankets, in front of the fireplace.
Don't look now, but Lois is becoming the woman that Clark can't live without.

Was it possible it wasn't a dream after all? Could we have really been together that night?

Could Christopher really be my son?
Ummmmmm.... lesseee....

He *looks* like me. He has the same mole on his lip that I do. I get comments *all* the *time* about how much he looks like me.
Hmmmmmmm.... laugh

It had been... amazing. Incredible.


It had been perfect. Better than perfect.

Jor-El had said that Kryptonians mate for life. Was this what he was talking about? Would this preclude me from another relationship after the divorce? From ever being with Lana – or anyone else – someday? How did he define 'mate'? Make lo... Do things for purposes of procreation with? Or bind their lives together with some sort of formal ritual – like a wedding?
Wow, that's a thought! laugh

Was there some sort of bond formed when the physical relationship was consummated? Had I sealed my... fate, for lack of a better term, by being with Lois like that? If Lana and I hadn't been waiting to get married, would things have been different?
Interesting. Could Clark have 'bonded' with Lana in the same way that he has now, possibly, bonded with Lois? In other words, is Clark's relationship with Lois all about his own Kryptonian genes and their dictate that Clark must latch onto one woman and bond with her? Is it all the same if the woman in question is Lois or Lana?

I'd *wanted* to with Lana. Desire hadn't been a problem – not even after I was married. It wasn't like I hadn't had physical desire for her. I'd had that in spades.

But while it hadn't always been easy controlling the urges with Lana, I had been completely defenseless against Lois' advances. Was it because we were married and I knew that it was... expected of us? Was it something to do with my Kryptonian physiology that was attracted to her?

Was Lois my soul mate instead of Lana?
Yes, Clark! hyper Yes! Yes! Yes! hyper

(Please say it is so, Carol! No? You are going to make Clark work hard for this love, so that both he and Lois are going to have to earn it?)

Yay to Lois for saying this to Clark:

"I told you before – you have some kind of itch that needs scratching, go find an iceberg to melt. You decide you want to make some kind of long term, *real* commitment to me – and I want to do the same - *then* maybe it'll happen again."
Hooray!!! She asked him for a long-term commitment! Get the wax out of your ears, Clark. Listen to what your wife said. She wants you to make a real commitment to her! She wants you to choose her instead of Lana! Try to get it into your thick head that she isn't uninterested in you, the way you've told yourself that she is!

Of course, it took about ten seconds for Lois to make love to him again after she had made that brave statement about not letting him in, but who am I to complain? clap

I hadn't used my powers, but it was the most incredible experience of my life. Even more than the night before had been.
And it was so good! <happy sigh>

Of course, there is the little complication that Lois might be pregnant. Well, I'm almost always enthusiastic when Lois gets pregnant with Clark's child, so if she is expecting again you won't get any complaints from me! (Besides, Christopher is two, so he will be almost three years old when his baby brother or sister is born, which is a pretty normal 'spacing' between siblings...) laugh

And since I've been going on about how Clark is at war with himself, and how it is the more immature aspect of himself that clings to Lana, I just loved this:

<But why should it matter?> one part of me asked. <She's your *wife*. You're *supposed* to make love to her &#8211; even if it is fast and furious sometimes. What do you think Mom and Dad have been hounding you about for two years now?>

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager &#8211; the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember &#8211; snapped back. <Do you really think she'll be able to accept this?>
Clark's inner teenager! Hah! I love it! clap

Finally, I think it would be beyond wonderful for Clark to have a biological son. Remember that Clark is not only technically a stranger on the Earth, he is also an orphan of an entire planet. Clark seems to be doomed to a sort of existential loneliness. Having a child of his own by an Earth woman, his soulmate to boot, would be a better way to connect him to this Earth than anything else I can think of.
