Initial reaction: They did it *again*! eek

Forget Frogger, now we're playing Pitfall! They completely jumped over the alligator but there are still more to come!

Lois's head is just where I feared it would be. This made me sad:
This was where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. In the arms of the man I loved. If only he'd love me too...
She's in *deep* but doesn't believe that Clark is anywhere close to the neighborhood. IMHO, I think Clark is circling, but we're going to need some more 'close encounters' to cure him of his Lana obsession (and to excise the teenage self that keeps bringing her up).

I don't think that Lois is pregnant because Carol told us awhile back that there were no siblings on order for Christopher--unless Carol was taking the role of unreliable narrator. /wags finger/ You wouldn't do that, would you, Carol? Would you? I mean, sometimes pancakes are just pancakes... right? On the other hand(!), wouldn't it be something if that meeting between Lois and Lana just so happened to take place at a clinic. That's a hoot, that's what that is.

So, I wonder... even if Lois decided to create a trade embargo (thereby denying Kryptonian's from exporting goods), there would still be the occasional steamy looks. The kind of glances that Ma and Pa Kent would interpret right away.

/Sends postcard to Lois and Clark Kent of Pittsdale that reads: Some things you just shouldn't fight./


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles