Very good point, Terry:

the writers did this to make a dramatic statement that Lois loved Clark more than Superman, and that Clark loved Lois enough to let her do something he thought was nuts.
I wholeheartedly agree:

Should Superman have frozen Lois in the show? Yes, because it advanced the dramatic and romantic story lines.
Bravo!! Well said, Terry:

Did you like it? Let me know. Did you hate it? Let me know. Did you even read it? If not, tell me that, and be sure to let me know why (because that's perfectly valid), but don't bust me or the story without reading it first. That kind of response is far closer to a flame than a constructive comment.
As I said in another post, I'm willing to give any well written story a try. If the author gives me his/her time to write the story, edit it, spell check it, check punctuation, etc. I'll certainly try to read it. I'd like to think others felt the same. I just wish I had time to read all the well written stories.

Any thoughts on my challenge of a second, alternate story?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~