Remember, though, that Mrytle thought that Clark was immortal and so, of course she believed he would suffer more, because he would suffer longer. Also, how on earth does Volye know this??

Perhaps it's because he seems to have fallen in love with her at first sight, and the knowledge that within his invulnerable body beats a very vulnerable heart.
True. But ... (you knew there'd be a "but" smile ) does that mean we are right to ascribe more importance to Clark's emotions just because he's invulnerable physically? Although that fact heightens the ironic contrast between his physical powers and his emotional "normality", it doesn't mean that we should take his emotional vulernablity more seriously than that of any other person.

Otherwise we'd be in the position of believing that Olympic athletes experience emotion more intensely than those who are physically challenged.

That he had saved himself for the one love of his life with whom he would be able to share everything.
In VD, he says that, although he got quite close to crossing the intimacy threshold (such a coy expression smile ), the reason he hadn't was that "he kept asking himself if he was meant to have a life here". I'm not sure that's the same as "saving himself", although Zara, repressed romantic that she was, spun it that way. smile

I'll add in another example. Lois's grief over Clark's death in TGOM was much profound than was Clark's when he found out that the Lakes had killed Lois. So what are we to make of that?
