This comment is not directed at anyone in particular, just a bit of rambling.

While I would have liked to have seen Clark's reaction when Lois was supposedly killed in the ElectroWhammy... I don't particularly like *real* Lois or Clark deathfics.

Terry I did like yours because I felt like Clark was a little reckless to do what he did to Lois by freezing her, without seeming to really try anything else first. So I enjoyed your take on what a loss Lois would have been to everyone if she had died because of that. And I enjoyed what a hero you portrayed her as.

If I'm going to read a deathfic, I prefer that it has a happy ending. I've written a Lois deathfic myself in Remember Me, but it was one that could be fixed and had a happy ending - and also proved how much Clark needed her (therefore how important she was) and what lengths he was willing to go to in order to get her back.

I'll admit that I haven't written a Clark deathfic yet. Mainly because I'm not sure how I'd bring him back, and I refuse to write a story where one of them dies permanently - it's just not my style. But I've written plenty of stories where I put Clark in mortal danger. In one story I dang well near killed him. Lois thought she had lost him and I explored her angst a little bit there.

But anyway, I digress, this is Terry's fdk thread and I feel a little bad because this isn't actual fdk, so...

Terry, I apologize and this is the last comment I personally will make... I did read your story, I did cry, and I do think you have a wonderful talent for writing. It was sad, but it was beautiful.


(And I too love that vid - She's - Rach? Are you out there? Do you hear me? COME BACK!!!)

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.