Finally able to pop back into this.

Wow. Several big points were made in this chapter. Number one... I think you made me realize just a little bit of why Lois said yes in the show. We were mostly shown little bits of Lex throughout the series, and largely it was of him being evil, but the soft moments, the friendly moments-- those were very well pointed out here.

"Have you?" It felt like her voice was coming from miles away as she searched her memory. With shame she realized that Lex had, on occasion, been relaxed and familiar. There was the time he had been at the Metro Club when she was undercover. He hadn't blown her cover or done anything to give her away. Later that night she'd come home from a fight with Clark and Lex had shown up on her doorstep. He had been charming and flirtatious and had eaten ice cream straight from carton with her.

And then there was the time, only a few weeks ago, when terrorists took over the Planet and they had spent the night handcuffed to each other. During a quiet moment, as she lay with her head in his lap, he had enumerated all the things that money couldn't buy and one of them had been "brown eyes." His thumb had stroked over the bare flesh of her upper arm when he said it, his voice soft and sultry. Their eyes had met for a moment and a shiver of pure desire had run through her.
Very nice thing to point that out. Of course, then Lex takes a turn for the usual...

He gave her a patronizing smile. "If you change your mind, the offer to go away together still stands."
Aaaaaand, we're back to feeling squicky about Lex. *shivers* Also, a tracker in her purse?!?! shock I don't know why I'm shocked that Lex is evil, but I am. Well done.

From the inside of the limo, Luthor murmured, "I promise she'll never be yours, Superman. Never."
This is *so* Lex's voice that I heard John Shea in my head. Eery, but fantastic. Also, this whole confrontation between Superman and Lex was fantastic. The "mere mortals" line was excellent as well. I like to imagine the two of them interacting on the street got quite a few head turns as well.

Lois put the picture back, replacing it carefully so that Clark wouldn't know she had been snooping. She meant to rise but gave the bed a test bounce instead. There was absolutely zero chance that Clark would catch her so she laid back, spreading her arms wide and staring up at his ceiling. Her gaze found the industrial beams that were probably his first glimpse of the world in the morning, assuming he could see them without his glasses.
Another brilliant passage. I love that Lois is trying to snoop, even though Clark wouldn't mind at all her being in his place. I love that she wonders if she can see his ceiling without his glasses in the morning (hint: he does). And little does she know, he's about to catch her...

It would, however, be far too disconcerting to sleep there in her underwear. Or even, heaven forbid, nothing at all.
SUPERMAN: No, no, no! WHatever you're most comfortable in, Lois! Clark won't mind at all! drool

"That's a good color on you."

Lois nearly dropped the shirt in her surprise. She looked over to find Superman standing in the open doorway to Clark's patio. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was leaning with one shoulder against the doorframe. Either she was imagining it or the glint in his eye was further proof that he harbored deeper feelings than mere friendship for her. She wondered just how long he had been standing there.

Superman is being way too casual and sexy here. Maybe it's something automatic in the feeling of being home... Must look away, Lois, or you'll forget about those budding feelings for Clark and stare at his blue-clad biceps.

Superman smiled and shook his head. "Not a chance. When he finds out you wore that to sleep in he may never wash it again."
Hahahaha omg! So perfect I really don't have words... so many levels of great

When she looked up again he had folded Clark's underwear into the shirt. Lois shrugged. "Are you offering to stay here with me?"

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "I'm not sure that would be a good idea."

"Can't resist me?" she teased.

In an instant his features changed from politely friendly to amusement as he chuffed out a surprised laugh. He grinned at her and shook his head. "It would take a stronger man than me, Lois."

shock angel-devil Superman! You're making us blush! And now she's not thinking the nice, dirty thoughts about Clark again!

Great chapter! On to number 5 (hopefully I'll have time tonight)

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain