clap Wheeeee! More FDK!

Michael - Lex, obtuse? Come on! He's just so used to getting his own way that it confuses him when someone balks. <g>

Did she talk about friendship on the phone?
I think so. Lois said that she couldn't really talk to Lex, couldn't make jokes with him, and couldn't picture just hanging out with him casually. That sure sounds like a good description of friendship to me.

Quote: With shame, she realized that Lex had, on occasion, been relaxed and familiar.
LEX: It was my greatest performance to date!
Actually, I actually believe that Lex was telling the truth in that moment. On rare occasions, he really had dropped his guard and was genuine with Lois. Part of his attraction to Lois is because he knows that Superman is attracted to her. That's more of a bonus to him. I think, deep down, he really is drawn to her on a personal level.

LEX: To be fair, I did hope that she’d invite me to stay. I even had had Nigel break into her apartment while she was still at the club and wash her sheets.
Yikes! That is so wrong and creepy -- and yet it sounds like something he'd do. <shudder>

I lol'd at the Kaa gif. And then I spent the rest of the morning humming, "trust in me, just in me…" to myself. smile

Quote:“We don't have to make any decisions today," he told her and picked up a menu. "Shall we order?"

"Actually, no" she said as she stood up quickly on shaky legs. "Something came up
Her breakfast?
Bwaaaaaa! lol

Wasn’t Arnie’s character in True Lies using a similar tracking device?
Ha! Yes! It was all the rage in early 90's spytech.

Isn’t it funny how the first thing she does when she feels safe from prying eyes is to snoop around another person’s privacy?
Well, it is Lois Lane that we're talking about here. wink

Wonder what she’s going to do when she finds panties.
I'd bet that Lex has a pair, but not Clark.

That’s interesting reasoning for why it’s okay to be doing this.
Lois can rationalize anything. In this case, it's Clark's fault:
1) he left a key where she could use it
2) he won't tell her who he's in love with, leaving her no other choice but to snoop

He does seem a lot like Clark. I wonder…nah…
Now you're talking crazy! As if!

What’s his girlfriend going to say about that?
Ha! I should have had her wonder that!

Oh boy. So much for her wanting Clark.
Ah, but she's already come to the (sad) realization that she extrapolates every little moment with Superman into a romantic gesture. Old habits die hard, but she's much more realistic now.

Morgana - I'm glad you're having fun! I am, too! clap

Lex is only pretending to be an open book. His only interest in Lois Lane is because Superman is interested in her, otherwise he wouldn't even know she was alive. Honestly, this is one of the rare times I have seen him be contrite. Refreshingly different!
Like I told Michael above, I think Lex does have an attraction to Lois. So, while he is pretending to be so bereft, it is based on a semi-genuine emotion. Getting one over on Superman also factors into it. If he has to appear to be contrite to "win," then Lex can be contrite.

Yes, if finding a tracking device in her purse doesn't convince her, nothing will.
It certainly drove home the seriousness of her situation.

Clark! When Lois discovers you were flirting with her as Superman she is going to be so mad!
Are you sure she's going to find out he's Superman? lol

Laura - Sorry to keep you up so late!

Sure, the ice cream scene was sorta cute. Yeah, the 'brown eye' comment had a little bit of of a snazzy zing to it. But stay focused, Lois. It's an act. A ploy. The man is a sociopath-previously-in-a-business-suit-and-now-in-golf-attire.
I think the ice cream and the brown eyes comment were fleeting glimpses of the man Lex might have been, if he hadn't been corrupted by power. YMMV.

So hilarious--and so cluelessly ironic of Lex to do a 'makeover' 12 hours after overhearing their conversation. LOVE!
I can't really defend him there. I could say that he's trying to become what she wants, but his motives aren't all that pure.

There ain't no second-guessing now! Thank you very much, Lex.
Don't say he never did anything for you!

I know, I pretty much highlighted the entire scene, but really, this is so sweet. Says so much.

One...about the man who lives in the apartment. That photo is probably--I'm guessing--the only picture of just the two of them Clark has at the moment. He hasn't won his Kerth yet, and that's when another nice picture of them, I belive, is taken. The fact that it's by his bed? Telling. I'm doubting those beams are the first/last thing Clark looks at while in bed.
Yes, it is the only picture he has that's just them. Nice catch on whether it's the beams or the picture that he looks at last/first. thumbsup

'How much Clark....?' Lois, please finish that thought
I'll finish it for you: how much Clark means to me. laugh

The bit about the t-shirt (Clark never washing it again if she sleeps in it) had me giggling with glee. Sure, 'Superman' is quite flirty here, BUT, this line was a great nod to 'Clark' and how much HE'D enjoy her wearing it--great job, Clark!
I know it seems like that went right over her head, but I promise that it didn't.

Did Superman see Lois looking in his drawer (prior to him arriving and speaking with her)? Cause the fact that he'd pull them out...and right after her accidently stumbling onto them...yeeeaaaahhh--perfection.
He saw her looking in the drawer, but he has no way of knowing the direction her thoughts took. I figure that he only packed for a couple of days when Lex sent him to Miami. He really was there to get some clean clothes. Finding Lois there was a bonus.

Okay, I'm gonna be late for work, but at least my conscience is clear that I've replied to all you lovely people. laugh Thank you! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis