Good morning! hyper

mozartmaid - Hi! It's so awesome to see you again. wave I'm happy to have you along for the ride.

I love the idea of Lois sleeping in Clark's bed without her knowing that he knows. Just delicious!
Hee! Just wait - it gets better. (At least, I think it does.)

Sarah - LOL at "the old heave ho". If only it was that easy. smile

It's nice to see her pondering about the woman that Clark is so in love with. Also, her snooping around his apartment. Even finding the picture of her by his bed didn't filter through that thick skull of hers.
Hee! She's just not thinking very critically at the moment.

Not really sure letting his guard down with her as Superman was such a great idea on Clark's part though. Although who can blame him.
Being that familiar with her certainly didn't help put the brakes on her Superman crush, did it? smile

Elizabeth - Yay, you came back again!

Loved that Clark was in on the fact Lois was in his place without her realising, and his responses to her (as Superman) in their conversations.
Yeah, she was embarrassed enough that Superman caught her on the bed. She'd be completely mortified if she knew the truth. eek

Great that she found the Lex's tracking device in her purse! Now she REALLY knows Lex for what he is really like!
As much as I love the episode 'The Phoenix,' I've always had an issue with Lois letting Lex just walk away after he confronts her in the alley. I firmly believe that Lois wouldn't think "he'd suffered enough" once she knows who he really is and what he's capable of doing. It's been fun to write her interactions with Lex after her eyes are opened.

Totally brilliant writing
Thank you! blush

now I hope the coming week speeds by so I can read Part 5! ...of course you could always surprise us with an extra post during the week!
If there was an outpouring of FDK, I could definitely be persuaded to speed up the posting process. thumbsup

Susan - Thank you for laughing! smile And thank you for noting that Lex could be charming when he wanted to be.

The fact that Clark's apartment is the one safe place she can think of should tell her something.
She's getting there. Slowly, but surely.

I love the conversations between Lois and Superman. Clark really slips here, losing the emotional distance that comes with the costume and injecting more of his personality. It works for him, though.
He does slip, but only because he can't see Lois in distress and still maintain an emotional distance.

Ooooohhhh, I have such a vivid mental picture of this, with Clark's playful smile on his face. Mmmmmmm...
Me, too! drool

Susan, who happily wallows in the gutter
Just one of the many, many reasons that I adore you. laugh

Thank you so much, ladies! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis