Eek! The lunch with Lex Luthor was fraught. I was nervous FOR Lois. It's interesting. When Lex was talking with Lois, I saw again the image of him staring down the cobra from the pilot episode. Lex's mystical juju was working on Lois, too, until she saw Owen out of the corner of her eye and it broke the spell. Thank goodness!

I'm glad that she turned down his proposal and made it clear that she didn't want to start again as friends or take things slower. Ah! And she found a tracking device in her purse. Not just sitting in her purse - sewn into the lining of her purse. That took some effort! And now Lois is completely freaked out. Who wouldn't be?

I love it that Lois went to Clark's apartment to feel safe, that she snooped there, and that she started to fantasize about kissing Clark on his bed while there. Superman's timing stinks! razz Too soon, Clark! She needed a couple more minutes to realize that she was in love with you!

The conversations with Superman were interesting. I can't wait to get Clark's perspective ( in the next part?) on her tears, her confessions of being tailed/stalked/spied-on. I'm expecting a good-night phone call in the next part. Please don't disappoint!
