Voilà la review smile
First of all, I have to say your Lex evokes mixed feelings in me: he sure is creepy as hell, stalking poor Lois and putting bugs everywhere (like I felt the urge to open my room window while I was reading), but on the other end... There's something ridiculous about him. I mean, how stupid it is to dress in a way that makes the (smart) girl realize you've been eavesdropping her phone conversation? And what about being constantly around her, asking her out for every.single.meal? That won't exactly make your persona intriguing, even without the scary factor... Longing is essential in a budding romance, and right now who's benefitting from it is mr. Kent wink
Ok, done with the courtship lessons. Now:
Originally Posted by Sue S.
"We are friends, aren't we?" he asked, his eyes anxiously searching hers. "Surely, we have that much between us. I don't drop my guard easily, but I have with you, Lois." His hand lightly touched hers, but this time she didn't pull away.

"Have you?" It felt like her voice was coming from miles away as she searched her memory. With shame, she realized that Lex had, on occasion, been relaxed and familiar. There was the time he had been at the Metro Club when she was undercover. He hadn't blown her cover or done anything to give her away. Later that night she'd come home from a fight with Clark and Lex had shown up on her doorstep. He had been charming and flirtatious and had eaten ice cream straight from carton with her.

And then there was the time, only a few weeks ago, when terrorists took over the Planet and they had spent the night handcuffed to each other. During a quiet moment, as she lay with her head in his lap, he had enumerated all the things that money couldn't buy, and one of them had been "brown eyes." His thumb had stroked over the bare flesh of her upper arm when he said it, his voice soft and sultry. Their eyes had met for a moment and a shiver of pure desire had run through her.

Now those same intense eyes were looking into hers as he quietly added, "I love you, Lois. I would do anything for you. Name it, and it's yours."

"…Whatever she wants, or needs, I'd do it. Clark's words came back to her in a rush. "Her happiness matters more than my own."

Across the table, Lex was still looking beseechingly at her. It was almost hypnotic, and certainly heady, to be the absolute center of his attention in this way. Maybe she had been wrong when she said that they didn't really know each other. There had been moments between them; brief and tender interludes that were surely enough to build a relationship on. She had certainly extrapolated every tiny little encounter between herself and Superman into tokens of undying love and devotion.

So this was it. Lex Luthor was in love with her. He had actually said the words, and he'd said he would do anything for her. Anything! With Lex's wealth, that opened endless possibilities. Just like she'd told Clark, all that money could come in really handy. She could investigate anything she wanted, write anything she wanted. Lex would never begrudge her anything -- he'd just said as much. He already used his wealth for philanthropy, bankrolling her exposes would merely be an extension of that altruism.

Hello Lois?! Like your pal once said: what did they put in your coffee?! O__o
Originally Posted by Sue S.
Out of the corner of her eye, Lois saw Owen rise from another table and move to head off someone coming towards them. The sight of his bodyguard was an abrupt reminder of all the other things that Lex seemed to be doing with his power and wealth. He was most likely stalking her, and tapping her phone, and God only knew what else. Lex had crossed a line and nothing was ever going to uncross it for her.

In spite of the warmth of the afternoon, Lois shivered. She saw Lex's eyes narrow slightly and the chill inside her increased. Suddenly the slight pressure of his hand on hers felt menacing and the intensity of his gaze was making it hard to maintain eye contact.

"I…" Lois shook her head and eased her hand out from under his. "I don't think so, Lex. I'm sorry."

Phew! Thank God, the psilocybin mushrooms must have been poor quality.

And now the gem of the gems, ladies and gentlemen:
Originally Posted by Sue S.
When she looked up again he had folded Clark's underwear into the shirt. Lois shrugged. "Are you offering to stay here with me?"

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "I'm not sure that would be a good idea."

"Can't resist me?" she teased.

In an instant, his features changed from politely friendly to definitely amused as he chuffed out a surprised laugh. He grinned at her and shook his head. "It would take a stronger man than me, Lois."

For a moment longer Superman seemed to hesitate, then he gave her a wink and disappeared in a rush of wind. The door clicked shut in his wake and, a second later, a sonic boom rattled the windows.

"He can't resist me," she whispered to herself.
Clarkie, you all-American-boy (well, sort of) fed on corn and football... There's this other ball game called soccer, you know? Well, in a soccer game, if a player accidentally kicks the ball into their own goal (it happens quite often), they score for the opposing team. Comprende? Now, that's exactly what you've just done for your alter ego! For Heavens' sake, the girl is finally falling in love with Clark Kent and you flirt with her as Superman?!
I really don't know what to do with this guy... *shakes her head*

Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What