Having so much fun reading this story I don't know where to begin commenting! Hmmm, we should all have such problems!

"We are friends, aren't we?" he asked, his eyes anxiously searching hers. "Surely, we have that much between us. I don't drop my guard easily, but I have with you, Lois." His hand lightly touched hers, but this time she didn't pull away.

Lex is only pretending to be an open book. His only interest in Lois Lane is because Superman is interested in her, otherwise he wouldn't even know she was alive. Honestly, this is one of the rare times I have seen him be contrite. Refreshingly different!

Lois picked up the purse and dumped its contents onto the seat. She didn't see anything foreign amidst the objects that were hers. She started kneading the lining of the purse. It took her less than thirty seconds to find a lump in a seam at the bottom. She used cuticle scissors to snip the lining open and found a small and cylindrical metal object, less than an inch long. Her hands began to shake and she dropped it back into the purse as if it had bit her.

It was for real. She was being stalked by someone who wasn't exactly taking 'no' for an answer and had unlimited resources.

"…He's far more ruthless than you realize..."

Yes, if finding a tracking device in her purse doesn't convince her, nothing will.

For a moment longer Superman seemed to hesitate, then he gave her a wink and disappeared in a rush of wind. The door clicked shut in his wake and, a second later, a sonic boom rattled the windows.

Clark! dizzy When Lois discovers you were flirting with her as Superman she is going to be so mad!

Again, is it Thursday yet?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.