Oooh! I love to play catch up! clap

Tracey - Back when the show aired, even though I was predisposed to dislike Lex, I really enjoyed how John Shea played him as so charming, especially early in S1. It still seems more like a plot device that they had Lois actually almost marry him, but I can grudgingly find reasons/make excuses for it.

This stuff makes writing for me. That sentence could have easily been "Lois searched all over her car, but in the end, came up empty." Gets the point across, but it's nothing that I'd remember. But your sentence - I smiled because I could picture it, and even at the end of this part, I still remembered that she'd found 67 cents in change and her pearl earring after searching her car. Very well done.
Thank you! laugh I try not to blather on and on when I'm writing, but I agree with you that it's the details that can make or break a scene. Sometimes you have to take that extra sentence or two to put the reader in the story.

As a reader, it's such fun torture to know that CK=S when Lois doesn't know yet.
It really, really is! I'm not one for torturing her, but I do love to tweak her sense of thinking she knows it all every now and then. I will only smile at your wondering whether she finds out or not. laugh

An anticipation she'll keep for a lifetime. I laughed when you had her think that it might be the only time she'd get the chance to sleep in Clark's bed. Um... no. hehe. And also, get used to the dark boxers, Lois. (Again, good on the details, Sue!)
And sometimes it's fun just to mess with Lois, regardless of who she's mooning over. :P

Michael - Ha! Lex knows darn well that I won't do what he says. His version of this story was very, very different. wink

is it wrong to be happy to creep someone out?
Not in this context. But in RL, um, yes. Definitely yes.

So, it’s more a three-way relationship with Clark and Superman nowadays than one with two Supermen?
Intriguing! It also calls to mind a classic nfic. blush

Thanks to everyone for the comments! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis