Another great part, KK smile...

At first, when I saw the subject line for this chapter, I was kind of worried. Major illness? Kryptonite bug? So yeah, I was relieved that it was only the flu--and not something really bad.

I also very much enjoyed how Clark cared for Lois. It was really heart-warming. And 'yes' Lois--Clark will make an excellent husband wink. You will be a very lucky lady (as soon as all this stuff between them fully surfaces)...

Was I surprised that Lois blurted out her true feelings? Hmmm...yes and no. I was expecting it to come out soon--she had wanted to wait till she was back in Metropolis. But--just getting it 'out there' was a big step for I could have maybe seen her agonize over it a bit more, too.

What will Clark do now??? That is why I am SO excited for the next part clap... He will be thrilled and I can't wait to see what he does with the news....Kisses her? grovel Tells her he loves her? grovel Tells her about Superman? grovel

Yeah--there is a lot of greatness to come dance

Can't wait!!!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~