Let's also please remember that just because a genre doesn't make a reader's top three list that doesn't mean that people won't read a work included in the list. For example, I don't say that just because a story isn't in my list of top three favorite genres, I won't read it. There are a few genres I don't read--probably everyone is that way--but I do read most of the stuff that is posted to these boards. Why not? It's all excellent stuff.

BTW, I'm of the opinion that even my favorite writers probably write pretty awful first drafts, they're just better at editing. It's the effort we go to in the learning and editing that make these boards top notch. I know that my work is the best of the best in some other forums, but not on these boards. I humbly admit that the bar is VERY HIGH around here. I like it that way, too. Who wants to read badfic all of the time?
