I think even FEEDBACKS do that!
I think my statement was sort of... misunderstood?
I wasn't talking about the popularity of a fic when I said that about feedbacks.

Editor Jax said:
I think it could make some people feel bad about their preferred genre of writing of people start rating it low and/or with comments that could hurt feelings.
She implied that a poll like this might hurt the sentiments of authors who write, say Deathfics and I just pointed out that it is not as if the authors who write stories of the less popular genre will suddenly come to a revelation that their story genre is less popular by seeing this poll because they'd have already known that by seeing the feedback they get.

EDIT: The only exception to the rule is probably alcyone's Bohemia! Girl, I wonder how your stories manage to rock even though it falls under one of the least voted (actually NIL) genre! Great going! And keep it up! wink But then, you tricked *me* into reading, so you probably would have done that to anybody!

That was a compliment, by the way! laugh

And if they are the sort who get easily hurt, it is not as if they are going to be hurt by just seeing this poll and knowing that nobody voted for them, because they already know that their story has received no/very-little/negative feedbacks and so it's not popular.

This poll is not here to create any new hurt feelings that isn't already there...


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