I've been working, slowly, on an online formatting tool that'll help convert back and forth between archive text format and generic text (good for printing in your word processor). There's also a simple HTML conversion. It has some kinks (I'm new at this programming stuff), but the beta version is online if anyone wants to use it:


Basically you just past text into it, pick a conversion option, and click the submit button. To get rid of the line breaks in archive text, just go to a story on the archive and do an "Edit/Select All" and "Edit/Copy," then browse to the formatter and do an "Edit/Paste" into the text block. (Or use keyboard shortcuts: CTRL-A to select, CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-V to paste.) Same deal if you're wanting to turn word processor text into archive format. In your word processor's editing window, select all and copy.

Speaking of copying and pasting and how we read, I love using keyboard shortcuts to copy text around (goes quick!). In fact no matter what I'm reading, at the archive or here on the boards, I usually copy the text into EditPad Lite , a freeware text editor and Notepad replacement that lets you choose the colors and font to use. I find bold gray letters on a navy background very soothing -- been using that color combo since back in the Norton Ndos days. And when saving stories I'm reading, I usually type this where I stopped: "I STOPPED HERE." Easy to search for later. smile EditPad is a handy program. If you're looking for a good Notepad replacement, you might want to check it out.

-- Lauren

P.S. Just timed this: went to archive, copied "Masques," brought it into EditPad and saved. Time -- about 20 seconds. smile