I chose HTML because it just looks better in a browser, which is one of the two major ways I read fic. The second way is to copy all the text into a Word file and turn it into a Microsoft Reader-format eBook and copy it into my Windows Mobile phone.

When reading on a web browser, it's easier on the eyes.

When copying to an eBook, either way is just as easy to convert to an eBook. When I copy the text into the Word file, I have to convert single carriage returns to double carriage returns for readability for HTML. With text only, there is one additional step. There are carriage returns at the end of every line rather than only at the end of a paragraph, so I have to convert carriage returns to spaces or nothing depending on if a space already exists. Then I convert the paragraph carriage returns to double. Then I save the file and use Word to convert it to Reader format and I upload it to my phone for reading.

At the time I write this, the results are 13 for text and 12 for HTML. Pretty evenly divided.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin