Originally posted by Wendymr:
Though, yes, it would require a fair bit of searching.
It really wouldn't. As I explained to Anna, all it takes is ONE LINK connecting her LJ to a site that shows her real name (or one that links to one that links to one, under the right circumstances).

I have a LJ. But I am exceedingly careful to not link it to ANY site remotely connected to any forums I post on. Let alone anywhere with my real name. I also friendslock almost everything (not that I post there all that often!) I never use my real name there (even first), and if a friend does in a comment, I ask them to edit.

This is not paranoia. This is the only way to not have search engines (especially but not exclusively Goggle) make the connection between my LJ and my other web presences.

And it's not foolproof. Someone could figure out who I am based on some of my LJ friends, who do link to fora we post on. Hence the locked posts.

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun