I've used my nick for quite some time (1990?), but not too many people in RL would have a clue that that was me...so I've never cared if someone googled that. My RL name, however (which I've never hidden either) is so common that I've never found anything on Google for me.

I did get "busted" at work (during lunch!) Friday while on this site by a gal in my department. She looked a the "Lois & Clark" and laughed at me. But I briefly showed her around the site, explained I'd been around here since shortly after the show started, showed her the archive, even told her I was an editor there. She was suitably impressed by the time I was done (still thought it was a little odd, tho). But I never did tell her I had actually written a story that was on there--so apparently I have some shame! smile
