1. Do you consider yourself more of a reader, a watcher, or a listener?

I kind of go in spurts. Right now I'm more of a listener and youtube watcher (gotta watch those Doctor Who MVs!)

2. What is the last book you read/are currently reading?

I recently finished reading The Diamond of Darkhold, the last book in the Ember series.

3. What is a book you have read at least 10 times?

Rilla of Ingleside, and 10 would be a VAST understatement.

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

5. What is a movie you never get tired of watching?

Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea

6. What is the last CD you bought?

Full CD? Hmm...Anberlin's New Surrender, I think. Or maybe Chess.

7. What magazines do you subscribe to?

The Food Network magazine

8. Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)?

No, not really ever.

9. What kind of tech gadgets do you own?

Um...macbook, ipod, dvr, satellite radio, cell phone, flat panel TV, surround sound

10. What is your guilty pleasure Web site?

Youtube and lately livejournal

11. What are three things you can't leave the house without?

Cell phone, sunglasses, and pretty often my computer

- Lauren

There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of
all? You need a hand to hold.
~10th Doctor