Ah, I love the smell of a poll.

1. Do you consider yourself more of a reader, a watcher, or a listener?
-I suppose a reader.

2. What is the last book you read/are currently reading?
-Eek, I'm in between books! I just finished Brsinger in the Eragon series. Maybe the Mists of Avalon will be next...

3. What is a book you have read at least 10 times?
-Pride & Prejudice.

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
-Harry Potter

5. What is a movie you never get tired of watching?
-Enchanted. *insert big stupid grin* I'm not kidding. For the snarling cynic that I usually am, my mom walked into my living room a couple of days ago and was just BAFFLED at why I had such a ridiculous grin on my face.

6. What is the last CD you bought?
-Possibly Queen, "Live Killers"

7. What magazines do you subscribe to?
-I love buying off the rack actually. My regular mags are Step Inside Design, Print, and Newsweek. (And sometimes People or US if I'm having a trashy weekend. :p )

8. Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)?
-Nah, I hit all the online news when I'm taking a break at work. Yahoo, FoxNews, CNN, Wall Street, Politico, etc...

9. What kind of tech gadgets do you own?
-Macbook Pro and my Nikon D40, but we are geeked out at work. Adobe CS4, dual flat-screen Dells, new phone headsets...it's my geeky dream. smile

10. What is your guilty pleasure Web site?
You're looking at it! goofy

11. What are three things you can't leave the house without?
Lunch bag, office key, annnnd pants.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy