Ooooo yay! A Poll!

1. Do you consider yourself more of a reader, a watcher, or a listener?

Tough one... I'd say watcher though reading is a close 2nd.

2. What is the last book you read/are currently reading?

I'm currently TRYING to read Baby Wise (don't know author) and Secrets of the Baby Whisperer (Tricia Hogg ~ I think). I've read about 3 chapters in each one and since I'm having my baby Monday, I doubt I'll finish them... Oh well. I guess I'll just wing it.

3. What is a book you have read at least 10 times?

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?

Ice Age 3. It was nice to finally go to the movies. Me and my hubby had a mini date. Plus it was kinda special cause Ice Age 1 was the first movie we ever watched together. Isn't that schmoopsy woopsy? laugh

5. What is a movie you never get tired of watching?

Oh there are tons... Star Wars (classic trilogy), Lord of the Rings, Aliens quadrilogy...

6. What is the last CD you bought?

Actual CD-CD... I have no idea. I bought a "CD" on itunes though.. Twilight. That was awhile ago though.

7. What magazines do you subscribe to?

None. Though my sweet neighbor gives me a copy of Better Home and Garden.

8. Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)?

No. Don't be too disappointed in me Jenn.

9. What kind of tech gadgets do you own?

ipod, vcr, dvd player, desktop pc... yeah, we're not very high tech at my house.

10. What is your guilty pleasure Web site?

Well, it used to be this one but I haven't read nfic in awhile so... I guess I don't have one. Boring, I know.

11. What are three things you can't leave the house without?

Keys, cell, ipod

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw