This is from the Washington Post July 15 article:
In the four years since he stepped down as Fannie Mae's chief executive under the shadow of a $6.3 billion accounting scandal, Franklin D. Raines has been quietly constructing a new life for himself. He has shaved eight points off his golf handicap, taken a corner office in Steve Case's D.C. conglomeration of finance, entertainment and health-care companies and more recently, taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters.
Example: obama, "Frank, any more contributions coming my way?"

Raines: "Not if you let McCain pass that bill to audit my backside...."

Now I find that the FBI is looking into investigating the fraud committed at these financial institutions, and I'm thinking it's about time they got around to doing it, as our representatives on Capital Hill should have been hollering for investigations from day one. So now I only have to wonder which of our fine congressmen's bottoms are scared tight at this moment? Bet I can guess....


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!