The direct quote from the Sept 23 Post article being:

Two members of Mr. Obama's political circle, James A. Johnson and Franklin D. Raines, are former chief executives of Fannie Mae.
Being part of a "political circle" is not the same as being a "manager" or "advisor." It's still a false claim.

The Huslin article got explained by the Post itself here . I had already linked to it previously.


I already posted this too but *sigh*

I asked Huslin to provide the exact circumstances of the quote. She explained that she was chatting with Raines during the photo shoot, and asked "if he was engaged at all with the Democrats' quest for the White House. He said that he had gotten a couple of calls from the Obama campaign. I asked him about what, and he said 'oh, general housing, economy issues.' ('Not mortgage/foreclosure meltdown or Fannie-specific,' I asked, and he said 'no.')"

By Raines's own account, he took a couple of calls from someone on the Obama campaign, and they had some general discussions about economic issues.
I have asked both Raines and the Obama people for more details on these calls and will let you know if I receive a reply.
The AP covers the email that got sent out by Raines to Fiorina correcting her assertion before it became big and her silence on it.

Terminology is important.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan