I see, Roger. Basically you blame Bush for not being right-wing enough. If I get you correctly, almost none of the problems that America is having today would have happened if Bush had been more decisively "radically conservative" (which is a contradiction in terms when you think of it). You will forgive me for doing a double-take when I read your statement that Iraq should be made to pay for your war in that country. Considering America was hardly invited there in the first place, that is a radical demand to say the least. Perhaps your country should consider leaving already?

Anyway, thank you for clarifying your position and saying, basically, that everything that is bad in the United States happens because its present administration, or one of its previous ones, did not push hard enough for a radically conservative agenda.

Perhaps having a President who was consistently very much more right-wing than Bush Jr. has been would have solved your problems at home. I rather doubt it would have solved your problems abroad.

Again, thanks for the clarifications!
