There is a huge difference between opinion and fact, TJ. I feel as if I'm banging my head against a brick wall by mentioning it, but others on this thread have been trying, in the interests of having a reasonable discussion, to leave at least some of their political slants and name-calling behind.

Obama is not anti-abortion. He is pro-choice. Maybe you think this is just a matter of semantics, but it's nothing of the kind. Someone who is pro-choice wants a pregnant woman to be able to make a free choice. Whatever that choice may be is up to her. A pro-choice individual has no agenda as to the outcome of that choice - unlike someone who is anti-abortion, who wants that outcome to exclude one option. The implication of calling someone pro-abortion is that they want a woman with an unwanted pregnancy to choose abortion, and that's so far from the truth as to be ridiculous.

(I'm not going to get into the 'anti-defence' accusation, other than to say that making the first strike sounds like being the aggressor rather than the defender, and I don't think any presidents in the past few decades, Republican or Democrat, have subscribed to that principle).

There's nothing wrong with stating an opinion, but please don't try to pretend that it's a fact.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*