I'm not getting into the whole who's connections are skeevier. I'm way too biased and way too scared of who McCain associates with.

And somehow Obama gets away with saying how he'll fix the problem when he failed to act when McCain warned his colleagues and while the architects of the problem are standing right next to him as he slams Bush for being culpable.
Maybe because one decision to regulate does not counter a history of enthusiastic deregulation?

Besides, while gleefully underscoring Obama's do-nothing stance on the bill McCain proposed, it's all too easy to fail to note that in 2006 Obama did try his hand at legislature to curb some of this mess. Yes, it failed. *shrug* But so did McCain's, except, as I said, McCain has a long history of doing the opposite.

I'm just not quite sold on McCain the visionary yet. I hesitate even more when in 2007, he was saying he never saw it coming.

From where I'm standing, getting a "fundamental deregulator" to regulate would be the irony.


ETA: Politifact looks at the McCain as visionary phenomenon.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan