Originally posted by alcyone:
I'm not getting into the whole who's connections are skeevier. I'm way too biased and way too scared of who McCain associates with.
Who does he associate with that you're scared of?

Meanwhile you have no problems that Obama is tied to the Chicago Mayor Daley political machine (oh wait, there's no corruption there!). You have no concerns that he associates with so many people who hate America, including William Ayers the domestic terrorist who wishes he had set off more bombs. And there's Tony Rezko, the Annenberg Challenge, ACORN, plus the people I mentioned earlier who have fleeced Fannie Mae of hundreds of millions of dollars to line their pockets while sticking the taxpayer with a $200-300 billion bill. The list goes on with many shady people, yet you're scared of McCain's associates? The only shady ones McCain has ever associated with are the other 99 Senators in the US Senate. I will agree with you that I'm scared of them, too. wink

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin