John Wyndham's The Kraken Wakes, which dealt with the flooding of London

Oooh, that sounds really interesting! Got a blurb?

I may be more focused on sci-fi/fantasy/mystery/political thrillers, but every once in a while, I need to read something else--sort of a way to "cleanse the pallet of my brain" before jumping back into my usual genres.
From your post, DSDragon, I'm not sure whether you realise that The Kraken Wakes is science fiction or not. Whatever, you might want to take a look at Amazon\'s listing , which has a -- not very helpful -- blurb, as well as some more detailed reviews.

Given that I read the book <ahem> years ago, and it was dated then, I suspect that it will definitely be showing its age now! Mind you, one of the reviews actually made me want to read the book again! wink
