Somehow I think I'll pass the 50 books no problem. Last year's list:

1-4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
5. Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
6-9. Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Deception Point by Dan Brown
10-12. The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
13-15. Pellinor by Alison Croggon (waiting for book four to be published)
16-18. The Bitterbynde by Cecilia Dart-Thornton
19-22. The Axis Trilogy, Sinner by Sara Douglass
23-45. The Belgariad, The Malloreon, Belgarath the Sorcerer, Polgara the Sorceress, The Elenium, The Tamuli, The Redemption of Althalus, The Dreamers by David and Leigh Eddings
46-54. The Witches of Eileanan, Rhiannon's Ride by Kate Forsyth
55-56. Dragon Sleeping, Dragon Burning by Craig Shaw Gardner (still trying to find book two in the bookstores)
57-63. The Ancient Future Trilogy, The Book of Dreams, The Celestial Triad by Traci Harding
64-75. The Deverry Series by Katherine Kerr (waiting for book thirteen to be published)
76-78. Trinity by Fiona McIntosh
79-80. Eragon, Eldest by Christopher Paolini
81-85. The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Mort, Sourcery by Terry Pratchett (Discworld Series)
86-88. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
89-90. The Sleeping Dragon, The Sword and the Chain by Joel Rosenberg
91-96. Harry Potter by JK Rowling (waiting for book seven to be published)
97. A Castle in the Window by Laura C Stevenson
98. The Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis
99. Shadows of Myth by Rachel Lee
100-109. The Chronicles of Narnia, Space Trilogy by CS Lewis

Plus any number of Agatha Christie novels. I have them all. I randomly pick one from the collection when I want a break from fantasy.

I've actually stopped reading lately to concentrate on my WiP "Begin the Begin", so I haven't read anything that wasn't on these boards since the beginning of March. Of course, I *have* read absolutely every fic posted during that time. laugh

But in January and February I read these:

1-3. The Isavalta Trilogy by Sarah Zettel
4. Labyrinth by Kate Mosse
5. Rosa and the Veil of Gold by Kim Wilkins
6. 1610: A Sundial in a Grave by Mary Gentle
7. Snare by Katherine Kerr

And that's just the *printed* books I've read this year. I've been working through the archive and the message boards as well. They would *far* outnumber these.


I was home eating chocolate—cottage cheese.
Chocolate flavoured cottage cheese. It's a new flav—
I was doing my laundry.

—Lois Lane