Oh, I will definitely play! I do keep track of mine anyway on LibraryThing , and it is telling me that in 2005 I read 70 books and in 2006 I read 63. I used to read a lot more than that but my attention span isn't what it used to be, so a book has to really grab me if I am going to finish it. Plus I read a lot of fanfic. laugh

First book of 2007 (in progress): The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson.

Once upon a time I bought all my books, but then I couldn't eat. (You that saying by Eramus, right? "When I get a little money I buy books and if any is left I buy food and clothes.") So now I am all about the library. Daniel is a librarian, so I reserve the books I want online under his card, and he brings them home. If I buy a book, it is usually because I already read it and loved it.

lisa in the sky with diamonds