I haven't been reading too many books (busy in school; rarely have any time to sit back and read a good book), but I got into the Janet Evanovich's Plum Series. She currently has twelve books of the series out (thirteenth coming out this summer).
Here's the link to the author's webpage:

I don't think these books are indicated for the younger audience (violence and sex), but for those of you who don't mind laughing out loud while reading a book (hard to control when in a public place wink ), I'd suggest at least taking a look at the first one, "One For the Money". Here's an excerpt .

I read books one, two, and three in January, and this last week (yes, THIS LAST WEEK laugh ), I finished reading numbers 4, 5 and 6.

It seems I can devour one book (which has about three hundred and thirty pages in paperback) in a few hours, absolutely cannot put them down until I finish. I have number 7 with me, but since I didn't expect to read the three first so fast, I'm going to hold on to it for a few days (at least) so that I don't feel the urge of buying the rest of the series right this minute. laugh

Of course, I have other things to do for school that I have been procrastinating, and now I'm covered in schoolwork for this week. Yikes! eek Got to put away the book for a least a week.

Got to go back to schoolwork. razz

malu wave