I havevn't seen Smallville S4 or 5, but for what it's worth, my take on the Clark being in love with Lana thing:

Clark DOES NOT love Lana. He's only 18, what the hell does he even know about love. Clarks crush on Lana, is only due to Lana's pretty face and the Lana he's made up in his head. He said he loved her since he was five, but he didn't even talk to her until he was 16. So he didn't know her, for all he knew she could have been hooking or pushing drugs or been a professional killer in her spare time.
I know she wasn't, but what I'm saying is, all he saw was a face that he fell for, but he didn't talk to her, didn't know her, so he couldn't have been in love with her. And since he started talking to her, he's constantly had to rescue her from one thing or another, which of course, makes him feel all heroey and pumps up his ego. That's what he's crazy about, that the pretty girl at school needs him.

But unfortunately The Smallville Clark is NOT a likeable character and he's not super hero material at all.

He treats Chloe and her feelings like crap. Then turns it around, and puts it on her when she gets mad for treating her like crap. And he does it because he knows she likes him, so will forgive him. He's a total creep.

*He's forever whining about his life.
*He lies
*He steals
*When things don't go his way, he puts on the red kryptonite ring to make himself evil, but then doesn't go to the police to be held accountable for his actions. He and his parents cover it up and forget all about his deplorable behaviour.
*He throws people around against brick walls, and over cars etc, I'm surprised he hasn't killed them, or broken their backs or neck yet.
*He's very self centred.
*He's a borderline stalker.

The Clark of Smallville deserves to be with Lana because she is a very selfish, self centred, whiny little twit. And she seriously needs to learn what the word, "grateful" means when it comes to her aunt. Maybe that's why he has a crush on Lana, because they are so much alike.

I'm just surprised that Clark & Lana get a word in edgewise when their around each other, because all either of them do is complain & whine about their lives.

Lois of L&C would not be attracted or even like Clark at all. But it does p... me off, that the writers of Smallville brought Lois in and then had Clark not like her and still be all gooey eyed over Lana, And then to have him sleep with Lana, that just make me grit my teeth. I won't watch it, it didn't happen in my little world, and it's made easy especially as the writers have seriously stuffed up the whole Superman legend, the only thing they seem to have kept are the characters names.

What I can't understand is what on earth Chloe sees in Clark. He a real pig to her, I love the character of Chole (even though she's not cannon), but the way she puts up with how Clark treats her makes me mad. I've only seen S1-3, so I don't know if he treats her any better, but from what I've read, it doesn't sound like it.