I agree with CC, I don't think Clark and Lois are ready for each other yet, Clark wants normalcy, he even got happy that he lost his powers (which, btw, I fount totally childish and selfish of him), and Lana represents this normalcy (I don't think Clark is in love with the real Lana Lang, he's in love with that picture, that dream that he has of her since met her, he hadn't talked to her before he was 15 and already claimed to love her since he was 5, in my oppinion he pictured her as perfect, as his dream girl, and fell in love with this picture), being with Lana for him is like forgeting about his origins and being just a regular guy (in fact, I think that if someone told him he'd have to choose his destiny right now he'd choose something close to what Lois described as his destiny in Commencement...) he's still not the guy who someday will become superman...and I think that's one of the reasons Lois is not in love with him yet either, she's one of the only people on that show who doesn't see him as a hero, she sees him as he wants people to see him...just an ordinary guy who wants to live an ordinary life...and we all know Lois Lane wouldn't settle for an ordinary guy with no ambition in life, it's just not her.