Kathy wrote:
But I did want to correct Carol's assumption above that Lois Lane is the one and only true love of Clark's life in every incarnation of Superman except for Smallville.
That's not quite what I wrote though smile What I said was that Lois was the "great love of his life", not that she was the "only one".

In both the CR movies and in the comics (both Silver Age and current incarnation), Clark had other loves before Lois. The comics, especially (which I consider to take precedence over the movies/television when it comes to things like establishing base canon) had Clark falling in love with, and even getting engaged to, other women before Lois. (Lori Lemaris, anyone?)
Yeah, i know that Clark, in the comics, was both emotionally and romantically experienced before he met Lois, although the comics never portrayed him as sexually experienced. iEven L & C: TNAoS didn't deny Clark's earlier relationships when they had Clark tell Lois that he'd "stepped up and taken a close look" (or words to that effect laugh )

But, I'll respecftfully argue that the comics never portrayed the others as his "true" love. In the comics, Clark's realtionship with Lana was never depicted as anything more than a crush - adolescent love that has more to do with hormones than anything else (not dissing hormones here btw laugh ) And Lori the mermaid was someone he fell for in college - how old was he - 20? Both of these relationships were before he met Lois Lane, as Kathy points out.

But what i object to in Smallwood is *not* that Clark has a crush on Lana but that the show implies through Clark's non-interest in Lois Lane, and also in Chloe who I see as a Lois- surrogate, that his future relationship with Lois Lane will be a tirvial one. I apologize for repeating this part of my argument. smile

Even in the CR movies, Lois is protrayed as *the* love of Superman's life (and such a sad love it is by the 4th movie ). It was only in the 3rd movie that lana was brought in, largely as a result of Margot Kidder's contract dispute with the studio which necessitated some quick rewriting. Although, like Kathy, I'm not sure the Reeves movies count too much as canon. smile

Sorry to be so long-winded but I did want to clarify what I meant in my earlier post. I don't express myself too well sometimes.

Lynn wrote:
My issue is that for four years they've shoved Lana down our throats without making her an appealing character.
Yeah, that too. laugh
