Ok. I've had the chance to mull it over. And in a way, it makes perfect sense. (As much as Smallville ever makes sense.) So everything is fine.

Lana is who Clark has been pining for since she was the head cheerleader wearing the kryptonite necklace that made him fall over whenever she walked by. She is the Princess. All pink and pretty and often in need of rescue. (Though sometimes, out of nowhere, she gets possessed by various things and kicks people all around.) Mostly, though, she's your stereotypical, normal, average Object of Desire.

And Clark wants and needs- or so he believes- to be an average,normal, stereotypical smalltown boy who is only what he seems. In pursuit of that he plays on the football team, goes to the prom and dances with the Object, and eventually does that thing it looked like he might have been doing with said Object at the end of last night's episode.

Just a regular Joe in love with a regular Jane. Light the candles, cue the music.

So you see how this is fine?

Because while we do know he <gulp> loves Lana, he also really loves What She Represents. Normal, Mortal, Average type things. And when he's with her, he can be that too. Rather than some guy ruled by a bossy, prickly Kryptonian Spirit-Dad who's always telling him to collect stones or crystals or climb into the cave wall and stop the
destruction of the human race. That's the kind of stuff average, normal guys almost never have to do!

If Smallville is the story of how he will come to know and accept that he will never be just Clark Kent, that he has to find a way to be CK and Kal-el, embrace who he is meant to be, then... this makes sense.

And really, it's good news.

Because Clark wasn't making love to Lana. He was simply making love to the very idea of being the kind of guy who makes love to Lana.

Which is an entirely different thing! Not nearly as personal or soulful, and it cannot get anyone pregnant.

All is well, then.

No worries.


Oh, I'd be remiss if I didn't add that the Lex/Clark scene where the punches were thrown? Awesome!!

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
