Well, I just watched it ...

And .... ARGH!!!

OK, now that I got that out of my system, let me phrase that more accurately ... ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!

This Clark Kent is an idiot. The idiot to end all idiots. As Lynn said so well in her post, I have no problem with Clark having another love -- or even another lover -- before Lois. What I have a problem with is WHO he has decided he is in love with.

What in the *world* has Lana ever done to earn this type of obsession? She drives me up a freakin' wall. Now granted, it's true, she didn't whine in this episode, and I appreciate the effort it must have taken from her three brain cells. But when you have Chloe *right there* ... so brilliant ... so funny ... so utterly adorable ... how can he NOT see that she is PERFECT for him?!?!

Yeah, yeah, Lois ... I know. No, really, I know. I mean, she's great -- when we see her razz -- and I was quite pleased to see they added her to the opening credits this season. (At least, I assume these are new credits ... I missed the end of last season and this is the first ep I've watched in awhile.)

But Chloe is just ... just ... gosh, she's just so wonderful! And so perfect for Clark! They *are* L&C. The banter, the inside jokes (especially now), the way he *needs* her to be a hero. Gah!! Who the hell cares about Lana???? What is the matter with you, Clark????

"So what you're saying is ... without super-powers, you have no useful skills?"

"I didn't know super-whining was one of your powers."

"You told Pete your secret?! Pete saw the ship?!?!?!!?"

LOL! Love them. To pieces.

Oh, yeah, and that fight scene between Lex and Clark at the end ... yowsers! I have to admit, I like how Clark can "be himself" now, even if "himself" isn't really what he needs to be. It's also interesting that they're letting this loss of powers thing go more than one episode. True, it's reguritated "Green Green Glow of Home" (and if I may say so, DC's Clark is just so much cuter swinging a hammer than TW's Clark is wink ), but I do appreciate that it's an arc rather than a one-shot like we got with GGGoH and UW.

Looks like it's going to be over next week, though. Seriously over, in fact, if that body bag was any indication. <g>

Kathy (who missed these SV episode chats smile )