okay, I know Smallville is only a teen angst show laugh


still it messes with the premise that Lois Lane is the great love of Clark Kent's life, ( a premise present not only in L & : TNAOS but also in the Chris Reeves movies and in the comics.)

Smallville does this not just by exaggerating the importance of Lana Lang way beyond what she ever had in the comics or the movies, but by introducing Lois Lane into the teen world. That Smallvile Boy is uninterested in her implies that she will never be what Lana was to him, something that the people who make Smallville have gone on record as stating. To make sure that viewers get this point, they even have Clark rejecting the Lois surrogate character - Chloe.

So Smallville Boy

{who, for some bizarre reason that has never been made clear, has looked like an adult since he was fifteen -- maybe some of the growth hormone stuff farmers use in cattle feed mixed with a bit of some trype of Krpytonite but I digress here on this puzzling point)

rejects as potential love interests the smart and the funny women and falls for the pretty in pink girl.

so not Clark Kent.

c (I know it's only a teen angst show, but ...