I'm reading Order of the Phoenix right now (yeah, I'm behind razz ) and came across something I'd gotten from context, but really had no clue what it meant.

"Are you taking the mickey?"

Now, when I first read this, I thought he meant "mickey" in this sense:

A Mickey Finn, or a Mickey, is a drink secretly laced with a drug, possibly chloral hydrate, to knock out the person who drinks it. Slipping someone a mickey has become a staple plot device in detective fiction and B-movies.
But I knew that didn't make sense for a 15 year old. wink So my next thought was the slang for "Are you crazy?" - "Are you smoking crack?" Though... that still didn't make much sense for an innocent 15 year old wizard. goofy

So I asked in IRC and El told me it was asking someone if they're making fun of you. She also found a website that explains the origins. I'm amused. goofy


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