And then there's Minnesota English, where pop = soda and yes = ya sure, you betcha. wink

Irish version: Will I take down your name and phone number?
In MN, most people would use "can" or "may." You don't really hear people use "shall" very often, but I do see it in print a lot.

But I remember from chatting on the channel that other people consider pocketbook to be a wallet, a billfold, or a changepurse, something of that sort.
I would assume a pocketbook to be a wallet/billfold.

I wonder if I started reading Harry Potter 5 tonight, would I get done with it tomorrow night? It would at least keep me up 'til midnight.

I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. -- Aunt May, Spider-Man 2