Clark's line, "Lois if you want me, I'm yours" has been in my head (again smile ) this afternoon, after reading more of this discussion...which led to pulling up the script and checking things out.

-From the script anyway, it reads like Lois was 'out' for most of the night on Clark's bed. (Clark comments that it's "very late" when Lois arrives--and then in the notes before Lois comes to, it talks of Clark being dressed in "last night's clothes".) Just thought I'd throw that little tidbit out there smile ...

Regardless of how long Lois was asleep--and how much of a trench Clark dredged into his living room floor that night wink --I still get the feeling from the scene that what Clark actually said, and what Clark actually meant, really aren't the same thing. I think out of a long night of frustration (the script actually mentions that the night before he was "frustrated beyond belief" when he is talking about her having no idea "how much he's thought about this--dreamt about this..."--her dancing for him/etc) he then blurted out his statement about him being hers, while meaning it a lot less 'physical' than actually implied....

Lois had made some really BIG comments before passing out--saying to Clark, hoping it's "not to late, for us, for happiness." She had also let the little admission out that she "loved" him and "wanted to spend the rest of her life" with him. And lastly, the embarrassing "You're here--this is my home" to Clark, awkwardly enough, as he's trying to get her to leave LOL smile ...

Anyway, that's a lot of pretty intense stuff for a 'boy from Kansas' to hear--a virgin--who is, I'd say even by this point, pretty well in love with this girl, his best friend...Clark states in the pilot that he wants to meet someone, have a family. From what we see of him by this point in the series, there's really been no one else--he's only been interested in Lois, in this serious type of way. What if he's talking about 'coupledom' here--wanting to be officially 'with' Lois, date Lois, etc? Surely he knew that she was pretty well delirious when she said all of this to him the previous evening, but after a few days of the woman you love coming onto you, and a night of trenching your floor, maybe your 'reality' of the overall situation is skewed enough to take these advances seriously...

To put all of the above in a lot more coherent fashion, I think Clark is talking about being with Lois (as a couple) and not in a physical sense. And yeah, maybe a kiss would have happened next--if she hadn't returned to normal--but knowing Clark, the way he was raised, his personality, his virginity, and most telling, his love for his best friend, Lois--nothing else would have happened beyond that, IMO. And it's not like they hadn't kissed by this point--SV's kiss was instigated by LOIS, MOSB's kiss (airing previously to PML) was instigated by CLARK. Though one was a ruse, and the other saying goodbye, they were both willing participants. They have a bit of history in this department already smile ...(and we won't even talk about HIM's kiss--airing right after PML wink )

Virginia originally posted:

Good point! Yes, Lois thoroughly took advantage of Superman by kissing him and nobody blinked an eye, mostly because of the broken 4th fall (or is it 3rd wall? ). Or is someone going to accuse Superman of taking advantage of Lois's obsession with him by faking it? He didn't ask for a kiss, only admitted that he loved her. She started it and he more than accepted it.
mrsMxyzptlk originally posted:

Superman is obviously bating her. I have no problem with that - he's actually telling her the truth, even though he's letting her assume things that aren't true. That is exactly in character.
This kiss I always thought balanced out--two 'wrongs' (people) making a right (a very nice 'right' to see, btw clap )...Clark faked being affected by the spray (but told the truth that he loved her), and Lois--though having the smallest, tiniest bit of resolve at first (but admittedly, not much dance .

Laura smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~