I just love this episode...mid-first season is just classic--btw PML, HIM, ASU, Witness--yeah, it just can't get much better clap . And what gets me every time is Clark's reaction to it all... From his suspicion that she MUST want a favor (and not really him) at his desk, to his 'scout's honor' statement to reassure her (and get away from her), to his all-night back and forth walk in front of his couch at his apt. It's great getting to see Clark have those few moments when Lois wants him as much as he's always wanted her.

I never really had a thought about Clark's "If you want me, I'm yours" line. Never bothered me. Lois, up to that point, had been all over Clark for a few days, had danced for him seductively at his apartment, and had fallen asleep in his room...not that any of this would give Clark the right to take advantage of her though. I believe the statement was a statement he made out of frustration--whether anything would actually have happened, that's another story. Knowing Clark's history from VD, I doubt he would have taken it too far. Not for his first time--and especially, not because of Lois' awareness.

That's exactly what I love most about the Clark Kent on LnC:TNAoS -- he's not a cartoon character, he's a man.
Exactly why I love L&C--there is such an amazingly 'human' element to these characters, Lois and Clark. I would never have thought that a show about a superhero would be/could be as relatable as it is--but it really is. There is a lot of 'reality' in what they feel and go through emotionally throughout the show--and that's what's always really touched me.

Great episode!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~